Hosting a Japanese au pair
A cultural and linguistic opening at home!

Why Japanese Au pair?
So you like Japanese food, culture, anime, people and you're considering hiring a Japanese au pair? Awesome choice!
But before you dive in, let's take a closer look at what you're signing up for.
Pros & Cons
Pos ; The 3 reasons to choose Japanese Au pair

Japanese people are often considered very polite. Japan has many etiquette standards and it would be very unusual to not teach a child how to follow them. Being polite also helps to put forward a good ‘face’ and is considered part of the structure of society.

Being late is seen as disrespectful to the other party as if you don’t value their time and work. When attending meetings and appointments in Japan, it is best to arrive early or be on time at the latest. Even casual catch-ups with friends expect a high standard of punctuality.

Hard working
Many Japanese people are hardworking and are very committed to their work. This is related to the critical values, with a strong sense of duty and obligation and a need to maintain the harmony of doing overtime when everyone else is doing overtime.
Japanese Culture is entirely Different.
These are my top cons of living with Japanese.

The Language Barrier
We do not speak English in Japan. Au pairs are here to learn and improve English throughout their stay with your family.
Some may be too shy to speak up, embarrassed to make mistakes.

The Social Nuances
Japanese usually being more indirect, less social and less open.
Since Japanese has Non-verbal communication, you may find the Japanese au pairs too shy and too quiet.

We have many rules in Japan. Rules are made to keep the order and avoid chaos.
As a result, well prepared schedule and house rules must be organised in advance.
But as the old saying goes,
“Nothing good ever came easy.”
The good stuff never comes when things are easy!
By addressing these factors proactively and fostering open communication and understanding, families need to be very specific as to what you need help and be patient.
This effort can create a rewarding and enriching experience for both their children and their Japanese au pair.
Placement fees
Au pair hosting fee and notes: Au pair, Demi pair Introduction fee $600 (Full support provided) This is the placement fee for an au pair who intends to stay up to a three month period. You are guaranteed one free replacement if the au pair leaves within four weeks. 【Full support】 ✔Finding your suitable Au Pair on your behalf. ✔Au pair online interview on your behalf ✔Reference check of an Au Pair on your behalf ✔Set up and attend an online interview if you wish ✔Online Au pair training before your Au pair start Your Au pair will receive ; * Online Au pair training before they arrive * Au pair English lessons with a native speaker * Cultural difference work shop * 90 pages of Au pair manual and Au pair English booklet * And they are provided with support during their stay and allowed to join the Facebook private Au pair group ✔Arrange for them to contact you directly ✔Contact both parties regularly to make sure everything is going well. If there are any problems, speak to your Au Pair on your behalf and try to resolve the problem as soon as possible. notes: *If the Au pair decides to end the program earlier than expected, we will try to find another suitable Au pair or we will offer a partial refund. We may not be able to introduce you to another Au pair immediately, depending on availability.
Terms and Conditions
Au pair hosting fee and notes: Au pair, Demi pair Introduction fee $600 (Full support provided) This is the placement fee for an au pair who intends to stay up to a three month period. You are guaranteed one free replacement if the au pair leaves within four weeks. 【Full support】 ✔Finding your suitable Au Pair on your behalf. ✔Au pair online interview on your behalf ✔Reference check of an Au Pair on your behalf ✔Set up and attend an online interview if you wish ✔Online Au pair training before your Au pair start Your Au pair will receive ; * Online Au pair training before they arrive * Au pair English lessons with a native speaker * Cultural difference work shop * 90 pages of Au pair manual and Au pair English booklet * And they are provided with support during their stay and allowed to join the Facebook private Au pair group ✔Arrange for them to contact you directly ✔Contact both parties regularly to make sure everything is going well. If there are any problems, speak to your Au Pair on your behalf and try to resolve the problem as soon as possible. notes: *If the Au pair decides to end the program earlier than expected, we will try to find another suitable Au pair or we will offer a partial refund.
Frequently asked questions
1. What happens re: placement fees/replacement if there's a big problem with the au pair during the placement, e.g. if they don't bond with the children, do something terrible, etc.? How long does it usually take to find someone? We have a procedure that we follow if there are any problems. Most problems are just teething troubles and are therefore easily resolved. Occasionally, an au pair is not suited to a family and vice versa. In this case, we look at the whole situation and decide what is best for all parties. If a replacement must be made, we try to do this as quickly and as smoothly as possible within a timescale of two to four weeks. 2) Do you know where I can find out about language schools in our area as I haven't had much luck finding long term courses - they all seem to be intensive at a cost of thousands! The best thing to do is to get in touch with your Local Education Department or Colleges of Further Education in your area. Explain to them that you have an au pair coming to stay and you're looking for a suitable and relatively inexpensive course, English as a Foreign Language. You/your au pair should be looking to pay around £250 per term. Many classes are now free to EU citizens. 3) What advice would you give me to keep my au pair and my family happy? We have found in the past that the key to a successful placement is to welcome your au pair from the outset and include her as a member of the family. At the same time, establish a set timetable so that the au pair feels from the beginning that she has a role to play in the day to day routine of the household. By doing this, your au pair will feel useful and busy and this in turn will help prevent homesickness in the early days. Attending college is also a very important part of your au pair's stay, not only from the language point of view but also from the social aspect. Extreme changes in culture, diet, general way of life, the strains of speaking in a foreign language and the distance of parental love and support can all contribute at times to feelings of depression, loneliness and difficulties in communication. I would ask you to make allowances for this and be supportive as possible, especially in the early days.

Registration fee
Registration is FREE! Just complete and the registration form below and you will be contacted within one working day.
Application process
ZOOM Interview
Fill out the application form and send it to JAIA
JAIA will find an Au pair
When an Au pair is found, send An au pair profile
Decide within one week whether to proceed.
If you decide to proceed, you may have a ZOOM interview with the Au Pair.
Final decision
Once a start date is set, referral fee are due within 14 days of the invoice.
Thank you so much for supporting our beautiful Japanese applicants and business, and thank you for considering
Japanese Au pair in Australia